Self Defense and YOU Firearms Point blank range is that range at which the curve of the bullet is so slight that no allowance has to be made in sighting in the firearm. This term has now become in common usage as the distance short enough for one to draw and fire with little or no aiming. This would be the case in combat type situations. Knives When choosing a Knife for you don’t take other people’s advice just because they hunt or fish while their information may be good for what they are doing it’s not the same for combat use. Ask an instructor that offers protection seminars teaching knife techniques what he or she recommends.

Hand to Hand or C.Q.B. Hand to Hand combat should be simple and fit the individual’s personal needs. A true instructor can tailor to any issues one may have. DOGS Are very important so far as Self Defense I tell people BIG or small no matter what size if it can BARK then it can alert you in a situation of someone that may be trying to invade your space be it Home, Auto, Park, you name it. A good warning bark can alert you so you may get ready for the next step flight or FIGHT. A dog that has been trained to handle the problem for you with just a command is worth its weight in GOLD as they say.