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Active Shooter training

WASP Personal Protection Institute Inc.

I travel around and speak and offer an interaction training course that will benefit all that attend no mater of age or physical or mental ability. My course is taught the same as a fire drill but more in depth than just going outside in a timely manner and standing in line.

Course we teach here at the WASP Personal Protection Institute.

  • Active shooter This course is taught for such organizations as Schools, Church’s, Workplace or anywhere a large number of people gather.

  • Stranger Danger is a great program offered to preschool and elementary school age kids. Helps them understand the importance of the people they come in contact with daily

  • Human Trafficking Education on how this is becoming a BUSINESS for the evil minded people that engage in such activity. How to see sign and how to avoid becoming a static.

  • Realtor Training signs to look for when showing a house, commercial property or land. How to avoid danger or what to do when you feel you are in an uncomfortable situations.

  • Restaurant Employee awareness training Education each employees what signs to look for before a robbery occurs and how to communicate before it occurs.

  • Convenient store owners and employees The before during and after.

  • Home evaluation What should and can be done for you to feel safe within your own HOME. To include inside and outside evaluation. Home firearm training to include Pistol, Rifle and shotgun training and recommendations.

I am so sure I have a program to fit any and all of your Protection needs so please give me a CALL NOW @ 910-740-7689 and let’s discuss a training program to fit your Workplace, Church, School or Home concerns. Stay Safe Specialist Smith.

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